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Kojima Mako’s AKBMail – August 2014


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.07.31):

subject: Dorachan

Dorachan。So cute。

I want to become cute( ; ; )

I’ll do my bestヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ☆ふふ


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.01):

subject: fufuっ

I am runrun right now♪( ´▽`)


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.02):

subject: in a little bit

is Ongaku no Hi(o^^o)

I’m offっ(((o(*゜▽゜*)o)))

The picture is with Doraemon and his friends☆


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.02):

subject: Ongaku no Hi

Ongaku no Hi、did you watch it?☆

Tenohira ga Kataru Koto and

were fun(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

I had twin tails
to go along with the costume
for Candy?Candy(o^^o)

The first Three Musketeers shot in a while!
Nishino-san looks so weird。(・_・;
Nothing new here。笑


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.02):

subject: runrun



Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.03):

subject: karaoke

We have long breaks during rehearsal、so went for karaoke
burying ourselves in the city( ゜д゜)☆

I sang together with Moechan~(o^^o)



Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.03):

subject: breakfast

Mama has made me a toast with asparagus, tomatoes and broccoli and put ham on top of it for breakfast, when I ate it runrun-ly(((o(*゜▽゜*)o)))笑

It looked so awesome
so I took a picture(o^^o)

I ate a kiwi☆
I love kiwi(^ν^)


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.04):

subject: Guっmoーningu

I have rehearsal in a bit!
Rehearsal desu desu。I’ll do my best( ̄+ー ̄)

And after this is over
something fun is waiting for me(o^^o)

To that place where you don’t have to think about anything and can just freely enjoy yourself!!!!!

Maybe it’s not exactly like that。。笑

っanyway, a place that I love(^ω^)
you probably know already which place it is笑笑。


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.05):

subject: yay

There is still an afterglow left from yesterday笑。☆
I hope I can go again soon(o^^o)

The stable Nishijimamahime (西嶋真姫)。。笑笑

I’m off to the radio( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


Nishino Miki’s G+ (2014.08.05):


昨日は投稿できなくてごめんなさい( ; ; )











Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.06):

subject: kyu

When I put on these new mediqtto
the towel like cloth felt great(o^^o)☆

The color is cute too( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Today is rehearsal as wellー。
I will do my best a little bit more(´・Д・)!


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.06):

subject: katyusha

The katyusha from when we went to Disney’s was simple but I picked that one( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

We met Yukirin-san and Katayama-san、Yukirin-san had this one as wellヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

We’re matching(o^^o)

We wore twin outfits、all our clothes were by one spo!
since one spo has lots of cute clothes with different colors
so I recommend it for
twin outfits☆


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.07):

subject: that will be fun

Rehearsal is over( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
I’m about to put on make-up yon。

For this year’s janken tournament
there are all sorts of awesome things right!
I really want to join the janken senbatsuっ


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.07):

subject: oーwaっpi

Otsukarenkon (good job lotus root)( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

I sweated lots、
it was so much fun~っ(((o(*゜▽゜*)o)))

I met Yuko-san too☆runrun

Thank you very much
for coming(o^^o)


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.08):

subject: Summer Festival


The Summer Festival is about to startーっ(o^^o)☆

It’s our first time (holding this event) so I wonder what it will be like
wakuwaku nanda( ^ω^ )!!

People who have national handshake tickets
if you have time
please come and see us(^-^)


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.10):

subject: otsukaresama desu

After the first slot has ended、I went with Miki
to the open stalls searching for food☆

There was so much I was lost what to get~っ(o^^o)

Well then, I’ll take a nap now!笑

See you later!(((o(*゜▽゜*)o)))


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.10):

subject: otsukaresama deshita

It’s ovaaaar(((o(*゜▽゜*)o)))

My feeling of accomplishment from these 4 days is not half bad
I’ll go to sleep quickly and sleep a lot

Thank you very much
for coming。

Today’s casual clothes!
It’s a one-piece dress by LIZ LISA
I saw so many women wearing it I was so surprised!

It has some shells too so it feels summer like doesn’t it!


Nishino Miki’s mobame (2014.08.11):

The other day!
Mako and me, we went to IWAー!!

It was my second time!!!

It was deliciousーーー♪( ´▽`)

Team K salad for example or the Kuramochi-san plum cucumbers were delicious!!

And of course the meat was awesome!!

I love this meal that’s call kimucheese¥(//∇//)¥

They put kimchi on cream cheese…




Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.12):

subject: oーwari

Today I had rehearsal as wellっ(⌒▽⌒)
It was over pretty quickly daze(^-^)☆

The picture is from the other day when I ate ice cream~っ!

I’m undecided whether I should go shopping now。。


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.13):

subject: love!

Namako had a photo shoot for FLASH☆

For Namako, it was actually their first
photo shoot for a magazine?!Dattano~(OvO)

We talked about how it came as a surprise to usっ!

Her presence really calms me down( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

When I am together with Nana I feel so secure☆


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.14):

subject: go to sleep early get up early

I’m about to take a bath yoーnっ
It looks like I will go to sleep early today(OvOrunrun

In the picture is、meーsakuranboー!

But I don’t eat sakuranbos


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.14):

subject: Yosshyaーっ

All that I’m going to do is sleep(OvO)

Before that、memorizing the script for the stage
checking stuff for the Dome
there were lots of things that I wanted to do。笑笑

But there is still so much time
I’ll use it to the fullest(((o(*゜▽゜*)o)))

Let’s do our bestっ☆


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.15):

subject: I’m about to explodeーーー!

My head is already overloaded
but I’ll do my best for a little bit longer
and after I’m home, I plan on overloading it
even more(・Д・)ノ笑笑!

THe time to work hard is now~(♯`∧´)!

I want to eat yakiniku(OvO)☆


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.20):

subject: tanoshimin


Me and Miki appeared for a bit
live on the monitor~( ^ω^ )

I might have a pretty rare hairstyle today!


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.20):

subject: iea!!!!

The best!!!


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.21):

subject: tanoshii

Practice for 49 has ended!

It’s all very difficult stuff
but it’s fun and I learn a lot!

I am not good at singing or dancing、but I realized once again
that I love doing this very much(OvO)

All right!Let’s do our best tomorrow tooっ!


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.23):

subject: eieioー!

Practice is over!
I’ll do my best tomorrow as wellーっ

Tomorrow I’m going a little bit earlier
and start voice training with Naanya(OvO)

Stretching and releasing your voice
feels so great☆!!

I’m not good at singing but I love it( ´ ▽ ` )ノ!!



Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.08.23):

subject: handshake event

Without make-up, how rude!

ahaーっ笑笑( ´ ▽ ` )

that’s right, at the end of the month,

there will be an individual handshake event in Nagoya!

What should I wear~?(OvO)

Today too it’s so cold
I’m getting all excited over whether fall might be coming alreadyっ

I wonder what will be fashionable this year?

I’ll buy a magazine(OvO)


From → Kojima Mako

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