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Kojima Mako’s AKBMail – June 2014


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.01):

subject: Nyaーkoψ(`∇´)ψ

I changed my smartphone case( ̄▽ ̄)

Floral pattern( ̄▽ ̄)

Actually, I wanted a Shellie Mae or Duffy design for my smartphone case,
but I would have to go to Disney, so I went for floral design for now(。-_-。).

I hope I can change it soonψ(`∇´)ψ


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.01):

subject: ψ(`∇´)ψ

It’s overーψ(`∇´)ψ

Next、I will go to recording with Naanyaーーー(o^^o)



Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.04):

subject: ( ゜д゜)

Rehearsal is over(´・_・`!!

Today was super long daze( ゜д゜)!!


Since it was rehearsal, I am not wearing any make-up.
How Unsightly。。
But this one is all I haveーーー。
I’m soーrry( ゜д゜)


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.04):

subject: the best( ⌒▽⌒)

The cutest thing in this world
are teddy bears I believe.

Really. I love them.


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.05):

subject: Happyー

It’s over daze(o^^o)

I received a birthday gift
from Team B’s draftee Kawamoto Sayaka,
also known as Sayaya☆

I’m so happy( ´ ▽ ` )ノ☆

I wanted to shoot a picture with her when we had the live
but I was too shy( ; ; )

Eieioー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.05):

subject: Waーiっ

Mitsuki gave me a birthday gift, too(o^^o)(o^^o)

Birthdays are such happy occasions( ̄▽ ̄)☆


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.10):

subject: Long time no see ( ; ; )!

I’m sorry that it has been so long!

Today at school, there was the sports festival、but because of the massive rain yesterday the field became unusable, so it was cancelled!

So I got on the train but I turned aroung and then went shopping in my hometown(o^^o)

I also went to visit grandma(*^o^*)

I bought two cute bags too、
Moekyun, who gave me a birthday gift the other day
has her Seitansai tomorrow too
so I bought a gift for her so I am satisfied☆

Before the theater show I’ll have recording for Bingo
so I will go to sleep early todayっ!

Ah!BOMB is on sale☆


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.11):

subject: enjoy!

Moekyun’s Seitan&
Megutan’s first kouen are over(o^^o)

Ahーshe was so cute( ̄▽ ̄)
So cute I can’t stop griningー☆aha

Tomorrow, after I have song recording,
I will impose on the General Election Museum!
In the evening with Kitarie-san(o^^o)

Please come〜(・ω・)ノ


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.12):

subject: Biyoーn

Tomorrow will be filming on location for Tentoumuchu( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Lately. I grew my hair out( ̄▽ ̄)
But most people around me belong to the long faction
so I’ll let it grow a little bit moreっ!

It’s summer thoughっ(´・Д・)!笑


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.13):

subject: filming on location for Muchuu

For Seikai wo Muchuu no Sasemasu Sengen!
we had filming on location dayo~( ̄▽ ̄)☆

The job of Tentoumuchu! is to put your life on the line and have lots of fun(o^^o)笑

The members are easy to talk to too and they are kind, we get along well,
They make me feel at peace( ´ ▽ ` )ノ!I love them.

I sweated a lot today,
please watch it when it airs!


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.13):

subject: tomorrow too..

Tomorrow will be filming on location for Nemousu!!

It will be an early morningーーーー。。。笑
I hope I will be able to get up( ̄▽ ̄)☆!

In the picture you can see me with Yuria-san( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

She is always kind☆
And when I talk to her she is always funnyっ(^-^)

AKB Kouhaku?I think that’s it。。
when I went to the studio during rehearsal
Yuria-san performed the choreography for DearJ, 、I watched her through the open door
she looked so cool, I have that memory of her、、(^-^)

I will do my best to be as good at dancing as Yuria-san is!!☆

I want to go see the 4 kouen!


Kojima Mako’s G+ (2014.06.15 22:06):

Really, thank you so much!

I love you, everyonenihihi


Lots of bear-sans☆runrunrun


Kojima Mako:




Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.15):

subject: lots of bears


Thank you so much( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.16):

subject: costume

This is my favorite costume from the RESET kouenー*\(^o^)/*

Kanojo ni Naremasuka?’s costume☆

This costume is so cute( ̄▽ ̄)

My hairstlye today, I weaved my hair half up( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

My favoriteっ!


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.17):subject: 。。AhahahaーSho tiredー。。。Um, umーー。。。Ah、Oko!

Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.17):

subject: *\(^o^)/*

Eating dinner with 5 girls from Muchu( ̄▽ ̄)

Merumio-tan、had to go back to Hakata so they were not able to come along(;_;)

It would be great if the 7 of us would be able to come together next time*\(^o^)/*

In the picture is Shihorin-san( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
She is next to me in the dressing room nanoda!


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.17):



like thatww*\(^o^)/*


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.17):

subject: album

Today、I finally transferred
flumpool-san’s album to my walkman!

From tomorrow onwards I can listen to it on my way to school or work~( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

That will be fun( ̄▽ ̄)!

Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.18):

subject: Miiーmako

I want to see Mii-chan( ̄▽ ̄)

But I think we don’t have any work scheduled together anytime soon(´・Д・)!

I’ll mail her( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.19):

subject: exhibition(o^^o)

The casual clothes I wore for Mirai Monster that was aired the other day were so cute, when I asked the costume-san, it turned out they were from my beloved SecretHoney( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Then the costume-san told me where these clthes are exhibited、so I went there with Mizuki after school(o^^o)

I ordered a lot of suuper cute
wester style clothes☆

I am looking forward to fall and winterっ(^-^)

It will take some time again I think, but as soon as they arrive, I’ll introduce them to you okっ☆

Well then, I’m off to the radio station(o^^o)


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.19):

subject: WCup!

Tomorrow morning from 7 a.m.~WCup!!

Get up ok( ̄▽ ̄)☆

For some reason I am getting the feeling that I will have to get up earlier than that and head to work so、、、

I hope I will be able to watch it at the location of my work(o^^o)


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.19):

subject: I haven’t heard of thisっ( ´・_・` )!

AKB became the soccer official supporter?!
Why, why, I wanted to be in, too(´・_・`)
Dejecteーd( ; ; )

Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.20):

subject: Konbanwaribashi

Tomorrow, there is something I am looking forward to( ̄▽ ̄)

Uーn, it’s been a while。Wakuwaku( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Ah、my ear、it is not a piercing(o^^o)
Lately, I am fooling everyone with this笑。

They said it’s called a magnet piercing☆


Nishino Miki’s mobame (2014.06.22):

I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to send a mail yesterday( ; ; )

Yesterday I went to Disney Sea with Mako!!!

I wanted to go for the longest time, I’m glad we wentー!!

I wanted us to go as twins, but we had no matching casual clothes 笑

That’s why we bought t-shirts

I went as Minnie-chan and Mako as Daisyー!!

I made my hair like Minnie-chan too( ^ω^ )

I made it myselfー(o^^o)

And in the middle, a huge ribbon!!

How is it??

Miki-chan and Mako-chan!??笑

It was so much fun\(//∇//)\

I took lots of pictures, so I’ll send them (to you) ok♪( ´▽`)


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.22):

subject: Mii-chan☆ みぃちゃん☆

I want to see Mii-chan as fast as possible。。

When I sent her a video of me and Miki,
Mii-chan sent a video of herself back(^^)

But she was so thin, the two of us actually became worried(^^;;、、

Mii-chan always thinks about everyone else, and says about herself that she is all right。

This time too, when it made the news that she had to suspend her theater performance,
I mailed her and she wrote, ‘I am great!’。

For all that she has done for me,
it is during times like these that I need to be there for her,
all I can do though is visit her at the hospital,
but I hope I can help at least a little bit in her recovery☆

When I asked her if she needs anything,
she said since there is nothing to do at the hospital, she said she wanted a puzzle or blocks,
so I’ll pick the best and pay her a visit(o^^o)!

Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.23):

subject: I did my best

With today and yesterday, I have finished 3 theater shows。

Due to various things, I was not able to deliver a perfect performance, it was frustrating, but considering my condition, I did 100% for those 3 shows。!

When I come home, I will say ‘Good job!’ to myself in the mirror( ̄▽ ̄)笑。


Kojima Mako’s G+ (2014.06.24 21:30):

I was bitten、、、


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.25):

subject: forgetfulness!笑

I’m sleepy、、、

that’s because I got up early( ̄▽ ̄)笑っ!

Tomorrow I have school too、I guess I’ll go to sleep early☆

Lately I am forgetting things a lot!笑

I have a one piece dress that I bought at a store、it looked so similar to a one piece that came by mail order today!笑

I forgot that I mail ordered it before、、(・_・;


I’ll be more carefulっ、、、!


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.25):

subject: forgetfulness!笑

Tentoumuchu! no Sekai wo Muchuu ni Sasemasu Sengen、、

next week the final episode will air。。
Don’t miss it!!!!!!

When it’s over I will mail about
the program again ok(o^^o)

Why is dry-cured ham saltyー?


Kojima Mako’s G+ (2014.06.26 08:00):

I’m off to school☻!

Everyone, have a safe trip as well♡

Today it’s a little bit chilly!!


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.26):

subject: It’s so hotー

I went to school taーyoーっ!(o^^o)

In the morning it was cold but at noon
it was way too hot、、、((((;゜Д゜)))))))

Weird weather(´・_・`)

I’m now heading to the hospital
for a bitΣ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.26):

subject: summer〜(o^^o)

PuーΣ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ

For dinner today、cold
Osoumen and Tenpura( ^ω^ )

Love those~(*^◯^*)


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.27):

subject: appreciationΣ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ

I borrowed a DVD and watched it at home while doing my homeworkΣ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ

I love movies(o^^o)

Homework is difficult(o^^o)

Let’s do our best( ̄▽ ̄)っ!!


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.28):

subject: Nothing to do!

The photo shoot ended earlier than I thought
and the time until (I have an appointment at) the dentist is、、、

What should I do to kill the time、、

The movie theaters are packed everywhere on a saturday。
For shopping, there will be bargains soon
and I want to wait until then、、

I thought about going to the nail saloon
but they are fully booked。。



Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.28):

subject: ∑( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ

It’s so much funー( ̄▽ ̄)



Kojima Mako’s G+ (2014.06.28 23:30):

We had a 14th generation party〜💓

It was so much fun(o^^o)

Made me feel at peace〜♫fufun

I want to do something you do in summer,
like going to the beach or the pool or to the fireworks💓

I decided on a swimsuit to buy for this year〜(o^^o)

I’ll go buy it before it’s sold outっ☻

I love the 14th generation!!♡


Kojima Mako’s AKBMail (2014.06.29):

subject: daーーーrts

I played darts!
Playing darts requires more concentration than I had thought, so when you do it for a while you get totally tired, right!

When I come home I will do some karaoke
and watch the rest of the DVD I borrowed the other day(o^^o)

Happiness~( ^ω^ )☆

Lately, I am into singing
karaoke on the WiiU っ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ!!!

Yesterday I sang ℃-ute-san’s
Love take it all~☆

They are so cool( ; ; )!


From → Kojima Mako

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